This super-compact, highly efficient and  reliable. mini excavator with enhanced operator protection, is the ideal super mini-excavator of choice for tough jobs where space is limited.

Width - Adjustable 725 - 960mm

Height - 2230 - 1655mm Rops Down

Max Digging Dept - 1720mm

Weight - 980kg



Price from
1 Day P.O.A
extra day P.O.A
week P.O.A

All Prices are Subject to VAT at the current rate of 20%

price does not include delivery /  collection or fuel used. cash customers require identification and a deposit

This excavator is ideal for excavating most footings and can also make light work of the larger landscaping jobs, with a width of 980mm this excavator is easily maneuverable and the tracks can expand up to 1300mm for extra stability.

Width - Adjustable 1000- 1300mm

Height - 2230mm

Max Digging Dept - up to 2300mm

Weight - up to 1800kg

Price from
1 Day P.O.A
extra day P.O.A
week P.O.A

All Prices are Subject to VAT at the current rate of 20%

This larger excavator is ideal for excavating most footings and can also make light work of the larger landscaping jobs, with cab as standard this machine is the operators choice in tough conditions.

Width - Adjustable 1000- 1300mm

Height - 2230mm

Max Digging Dept - up to 2300mm

Weight - up to 1800kg

Price from
1 Day P.O.A
extra day P.O.A
week P.O.A

All Prices are Subject to VAT at the current rate of 20%